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Busy Weekend...

It's here. Showings every weekend of Maine inns to potential buyers who can get away from their jobs for the weekend to consider a lifestyle and career change.

Even though it has been a particularly brutal winter in Maine, we have times (like tomorrow) where the temperature will get close to 50 degrees giving us hope and assurance that spring is coming. With spring come the tourists and with the tourists come the guests for our hospitality properties.

First, aspiring innkeepers need to find the property that fits their hopes and dreams. Then we have to work hard to negotiate and get the property under contract. All the while we expand the team to bring in lenders, attorneys, building inspectors, appraisers, accountants etc. It does take a village to pull of an inn sale.

Just make sure your broker "gets it". She/He needs to listen. Because you may know what you want but you may not know what you can have. More later on that, cool story.



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Maine Inns for Sale - 207.288.5818 - Email Us

Swan Agency Real Estate

43 Cottage Street

Bar Harbor, Maine 04609


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